To Whom it may concern,
My name is Scott Barton, I am the current serving Admiral of the Middle island fishing Crew.
The Middle Island fishing Crew (MIFC) is a Kalgoorlie based not for profit organisation that has an annual Banquet to raise funds that are distributed through the Goldfields Esperance region.
The MIFC began some 76 years ago when a small group of Kalgoorlie business men enjoyed a week long fishing trip to Middle Island 120 km east of Esperance. From that small beginning the Crew is still alive and stronger than ever with 60 Crew members and a long list of beneficiaries including RFDS, volunteer sea search and rescue, the Leeuwin foundation, Golden you youth leadership camps and countless numbers of local youth to achieve their recreational skippers ticket.

The primary reason for this email is to express our strong disapproval of the proposed South Coast Marine Park. Our crew has a long and deeply rooted heritage connection to the south coast of Western Australia, particularly Middle Island, located 120 km east of Esperance. We have respectfully fished in these waters for the past 76 years, we believe in managing a balanced relationship with the marine environment and fishermen who harvest food from this environment.

The Middle Island Fishing Crew consists of multiple generations of recreational fisherman who hold a strong heritage connection to the south coast. Our practices have always been aligned with principles of respect and sustainability, ensuring the preservation of marine life and ecosystems for future generations.

We understand the importance of marine conservation and support efforts to protect our coastal and marine environments. However, we believe that the proposed South Coast Marine Park, as currently outlined, will severely impact our ability to continue our traditional fishing practices. The restrictions and regulations imposed by the marine park could erode the heritage that has been meticulously preserved by our Crew for the past 76 years.

Our specific concerns include:

1. Tradition: Fishing in these waters is not just a recreation for us; it is a tradition passed down through generations, for example we have one family with four generations of Crew, one being a founding member. The proposed marine park threatens to sever this tradition and also threaten the future of the Middle island fishing Crew and therefore depriving hundreds of beneficiaries including local youth.

2. Lack of Consultation: We feel that there has been insufficient consultation with local fishing communities, particularly those like ours with a long-standing presence and vested interest in these waters.

3. Insufficient Scientific Evidence: We are disappointed by the lack of factual data and scientific evidence provided prior to drafting the proposal. Effective conservation measures should be based on comprehensive and accurate scientific research to ensure that they address the actual needs of the marine environment without unnecessarily disrupting local communities.

We respectfully request that the DBCA reconsider the proposed boundaries and regulations of the South Coast Marine Park. We urge you to engage in meaningful dialogue with the Middle Island Fishing Crew and other local stakeholders to find a solution that balances conservation goals with the sustainable continuation of our fishing practices.

We are committed to working collaboratively to protect our marine environment while ensuring the survival of our fishing heritage. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information that may assist in the decision-making process.

Thank you for considering our submission.


Admiral Scott Barton
Middle Island Fishing Crew


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