Recfishwest have heard from a number of people who are finding the South Coast Marine Parks online submission process challenging. If this is the case, you can simply email your submission as an alternative – here’s how:

1. Draft an email to with the subject line “South Coast Marine Parks Submission”

2. In the email say who you are, your connection to the area and why you’re making a submission, eg I am John Smith, I live in Kalbarri but grew up fishing in Esperance and want to take my kids fishing on the south coast when I am older.

3. Refer to the proposed no-fishing zones in this interactive map and describe how any of them would impact on your fishing, how you get there, what you catch there, why the area is important to you, and what changes you would like to see, e.g. I have always fished at the eastern end of Poison Creek beach and would like to see a 200m setback to the sanctuary zone that would allow beach fishing to continue.

4. Finish your email with Yours sincerely, [insert your name] and send your email.

DON’T FORGET! If you’re making a submission about any of your favourite land-based or boat fishing spots that have been incorporated into proposed no-fishing zones, you can ask in your submission for a 200-metre setback from the beach to be implemented if the zones goes ahead or for particular islands such as Woody or Figure of eight to be excluded from sanctuary zones .